All the new features will suit your requirements
- Unique, new shell
- More realistic, new fire sound
- Reduced buttons for the easier handling
- Display positioned on a more accurate place
- Extra rail added under the marker
You can set the parameters of the basic shot
- Shooting range: 7 levels from 10m to 150m
- Damage: how many health points you take with one hit
- Shot speed: auto (new sound effect), or semi-auto
- Clips: how much ammo you have in 1 clip
- Number of clips, load time of a new clip: Could be even a few seconds!

Face our new design and search for the replaced display and the reduced membrane buttons. There was 4 buttons, now it is just 2 at the side panel on the marker. Altough you can still control everything. Besides the reduced buttons, the display is on a new, more accurate position to make the use of the marker easier and the combat faster. The display shows the actual number of your health points, ammo, clips, grenades (healing/supporting) or the power of the battery. You can set the display's brightness, and during the charging the display shows the battery power.
The marker got a redesigned body shell which was developed by us to look more realistic and to increase the safety level. Intager laser tag manufacturer delivers laser guns with shoulder stocks. We put high consideration into its light weight, easy handling and most importantly into the golden mean: "it look realistic". In many countries the authorities banned toy guns that resemble real guns, thus they confiscated a lot of paintball, airsoft and laser guns in Portugal, but not our Raptor 2S laser tag markers!

Every marker is equipped with a rail and from now on it has a newly added rail under the barell, which can be used for flashlights. Mount your riflescope, red dot, and other accessories on it. The marker's optics are calibrated very accurately, so for an enjoyable game these kind of accessories could be necessary. Speaking out of experience, the best is to use a two lensed red dot. NOTICE: The red dot is not a part of the gun and doesn't belong to our packages in any way!
To step out from the ordinary noise of everyday gaming we modified the automatic shooting sound. The speaker is made of water-proof membrane. From the speaker you recieve various signals: From the basic information such as: shot, hit, hit feedback, clip change, empty clip, etc., to the special features such as receiving role upgrades, or that you're out of the lasergame, etc...